Privacy policy

At China Plus, we take your personal data seriously and in accordance to the GDPR.

As such, we have prepared the following document for you to further detail the way we handle your personal data.

GDPR in a nutshell

The GDPR is regulation from the European Union aimed at improving the privacy of people and the rights to their own personal data. As a Dutch company, we market our services to the European Union among others and are thus obliged to comply to the GDPR.

In a nutshell, the GDPR contains the following core principles regarding personal data:

Lawfulness, fairness and transparency
Personal data shall be processed according to the law, in all fairness and in a transparent manner.
Purpose limitation
Personal data shall be processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes.
Data minimisation
No more personal data shall be processed than necessary for the underlying purpose.
Personal data should be accurate and be able to to updated.
Storage limitation
Personal data should not be stored longer than required for the underlying purpose.
Integrity and confidentiality
Personal data will be treated securely and be protected against loss, theft or any form of inappropriate use.

What personal information do we gather?

At China Plus, we process personal data, that you explicitly share with us, for reasons that are essential to us doing business with you.


Throughout our website, we us the following means to gather data:

Cookies are software trackers primarily used by China Plus for marketing purposes. These are being used in order to track the efficiency of our marketing campaigns and to analyze the usage of our website. This is achieved by processing the follow personal data:
IP address
Geographical location
Search terms
All of these are handled on our behalf by Google Analytics. For more information, please refer to our third parties information.

Application form

Our application form is used to transfer data from applicants to China Plus in such a way that we have an immediate overview upon which to work.

Date of birth
IP address
When did you get your bachelor degree?
All of these are mailed to our Google Apps email system and stored there per our storage terms. For more information, please refer to our third parties information.

Contact form

Our contact form is used for general questions to China Plus.

IP address
What would you like to contact us about?
All of these are mailed to our Google Apps email system and stored there per our storage terms. For more information, please refer to our third parties information.


These are the technical logs used by our backend web servers, thought most of it can’t be related back to personal data.

IP address
Various technical details
The various technical details are part of our logging but these do not concern personal data. These include the date and time of a web access, the ‘user-string’ used and the path accessed.


All personal data sent to us through emails will be stored per our storage terms. We use the external Google Apps email system. For more information, please refer to our third parties information.


We explicitly do not process any special categories of personal data. (GDPR, art. 9.1)

Why do we gather your personal information?

At China Plus, we process your personal data for reasons that are essential to doing business with you. Here, we would like to explicitly state the reasons for all data gathered.

We use this personal data to be able to contact you by either telephone or by email and to know who we are contacting.
IP address
In logging and analytics, IP addresses are used to correlate website requests into a single ‘flow’. We use this to perform marketing analyses on the effectivity of our website and to keep track of the status of our website.In the case of forms, the IP address is used to be able to block certain ranges of IP addresses that are causing spam.
Date of birth
When did you get your bachelor degree?
We use this personal data to determine eligibility regarding the requirements that some of our partners have or the eligibility to get the required visa from the Chinese government.
What would you like to contact us about?
This is the main question field and will be used to formulate a reply.
Geographical location
Search terms
We use this personal data to determine where the visitors to our website come from and what search query they use to visit our site through a search engine. The referrers are used to determine the point of origin; usually a website linking to ours.

Your rights

In accordance to the GDPR, anyone who is registered in any of our systems has the following rights:

Right to access
You have the right to access your personal data that we have processed.
Right to edit
You have the right to request your personal data to be edited on your behalf.
Right to deletion
You have the right to request that your personal data be deleted from all China Plus systems.
Right to portability
You have the right to request your personal data in digital form

Please contact us to edit, delete or request your data.

Which third parties are involved?

Our commitment

China Plus does not sell your personal data to third parties.

China Plus does send your personal data to third parties as part of our matching & selection, but only after your explicit permission. We do this in order to facilitate your application and to mediate between you and the partner agency or partner school. Your personal data from the application form or subsequent email contact with China Plus may be used for this purpose, as part of the consent you’ve given by using the application form.

Our third parties

We use the following third parties to store your personal data

Our storage terms

To ensure the safety and validity of your personal data, we delete personal data after a certain amount of time when it will no longer impact any current business. As such, we state the following terms with the given conditions:

No contract signed
All personal data will be deleted after at most one year of last contact.
Agreement signed, not in China
All personal data will be deleted after at most one year of signing any agreement.
In China or back from China
All personal data will be deleted at most one year after your last China Plus related work contract in China ends.

Contact us

If you have any questions regarding your personal data at China Plus, or if you want to exercise your rights regarding your personal data, please feel free to bring this up with us or at


Thank you for contacting us! We will try our best to reply in at most three working days!

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Cookie consent

The China Plus website uses cookies for functional reasons and for analytics & analyses of our website.

As per the GDPR directive, you have the choice to either accept our cookies or to customize which cookies we use.

For more information about how and why we use cookies, please consult our privacy policy

Cookie customization

We currently use the following types of cookies:

1 Functional cookies are essential for the operation of our website and thus can not be disabled.

For more information about these cookies, please consult our privacy policy